Archive for April 24, 2007

The only good peach…

 The only good peach is an organic peach

…. is an organic peach! 

Continuing on the organic topic, I found this post on Chick Lit about what conventionally grown products are especially rich in …. no, not vitamins… pesticides 😀

I have to admit that I am quite ignorant about what can befal you from eating pesticides for breakfast lunch and dinner, but I can guess that none of it is good things. There is the age old portuguese addagio that goes ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you fat’ (maybe that’s where the ‘stronger’ comes from). Whether or not pesticides will make you fat (if they don’t kill you) is another matter, but my personal belief is that they might make you infertile and/or stupid and/or cancerous. Whatever the case may be, I know that I don’t want them messing with my hormones and that’s final.

Anyhow, if you can’t afford to pledge pesticides out of your life, the Environmental Working Group has an great guide to know what you should absolutely stay clear of.

The Dirty Dozen consists of, according to gravity of offense.

  1. Peaches (bastards!!)
  2. Apples
  3. Sweet Bell Peppers (I guess organic peppers  are worth their price in gold)
  4. Celery
  5. Nectarines
  6. Strawberries – hold on while I remove the dagger from my back… ok
  7. Cherries
  8. Pears
  9. Grapes (imported) – I’m guessing they mean imported from outside US, which carries the implication that our Euro-grapes rank in this category. American grapes are lower in the chart
  10. Spinach
  11. Lettuce
  12. Potatoes

Good news: Now I know I wasn’t buying peppers at 8 euros a kilo for nothing. I have been buying organic apples (phew!). No peaches yet (phew!). Apples, pears, and potatoes are reasonably priced. I’m growing my own salad greens, which are just about getting ready. No more toxic lettuce for me!

Bad news: Didn’t see any organic strawberries yet (those little back-stabbers).

Check out this list for extra dirt on your favourite veg…

Leading the Cleaner 12 list we have onions, avocados, frozen sweet corn, pineapples, mango and asparagus, among others. Broccoli and cabbage are on this list too. So, if you are short on cash, you know you can easily dispense the organic onions or broccoli.

Personally, my choice still goes for organic, for anything from cabbage up… But now at least I know its relatively safe to eat broccoli if need be.

Good peaches, courtesy of rayvaughn on Flickr.

April 24, 2007 at 4:15 pm 8 comments


April 2007

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